Aug 31Liked by Angelina Radulovic

Angelina, thank you for this post on mindset and inspiration. One of the major limiting beliefs we impose on ourselves is “ I can’t do this” or “I can’t achieve what he/she has done”.

The solution is simple but not necessary easy and that is, as you so beautifully has described here, to meet up for yourself every day and do the work despite adversity you might encounter.

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Hi Roy, thank you for your comment. This mindset has been working for me for decades. And it's nice when you compete with yourself only, that leaves the space to look other people as your compaignons, nor your competitors

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Love your story, Angelina. So encouraging ❤️

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Thanks Deni, I'd love to see smiles on many faces after reading this. Appreciate your comment :)

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There is financial sustainability in writing. I've done it too since the year 2000. I've no novels, no awards, no publishing deals on the table but I've written B2C copy, local news, internal comms and on and on.

Small jobs, big jobs…most felt amazing and most importantly paid the bills.

Writing is a career, however you make it happen. Believe.

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Love your self-description as a content fairy. Very creative and expressive.

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Thank you Edward.

The bottom line is - content is magic, but there is no magic wand to make things happen.

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U kom si selu / gradiću živela? Ja sam iz Beograda, živim u Torontu već 5 godina 💌 🌸

Drago mi je da sam te našla ovde!

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Cao, rodjena sam u selu pored Cacka, a od 18. do 40. godine sam zivela u Beougradu. U Pert smo stigli pre 6 godina, 2018. Drago mi je da si me nasla :) Pozdrav

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Ooo Čačak 💖 obožavam ljude iz tog kraja. Jedni od najdivnijih.

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Jasta :) Divni su putevi Gospodnji i kako je svet jedno veliko selo.

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I love the quote by Steve Jobs about how anyone can change the world. It's a great reminder that even though we might feel small, we all have the potential to make a big impact.

Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story.

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Thank you Jenni.

We don't think enough about this fact - we, ordinary people are the ones who bring changes.

Every person counts, don't forget that <3

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